
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58859

Received: 25/09/2013

Respondent: Fran Bradley

Representation Summary:

Fosse Way is designated a dangerous route. Speeds are increasing. Road sign warnings and speed camera's installed - one at entrance to WEC itself.
No pavements from proposed site to schools, shops, GP etc in Radford Semele and beyond. More traffic would therefore be using the roads.
Only bus stop sites near the roundabout on grass verge and is dangerous for those waiting for public transport and particularly for children.
Road too dangerous for cyclists.
WEC contributes to local economy and other businesses profit by its success. Centre would close with resultant loss of jobs.
Would have strong visual impact on views approaching from Leamington or Southam, north or south along Fosse Way.
Damage to wildlife habitats.
Disturbing that council spent money on SA work and that council prepared to spend more on CPO.

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