
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58852

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Bridget Deith

Representation Summary:

Does not meet criteria.
Nearest GP further away than stated in SA report and is fully subscribed.
Next is not convenient and not on a public transport route.
Schools are further than stated and near capacity with more houses planned locally.
Safe access to road network is not possible due to dangerous junction with heavy traffic and accompanying air pollution and noise. Access and egress of large number of residents vehicles onto busy road could cause accidents. High risk route on Fosse Way.
Unsafe and unhealthy for children with added danger of canal and woodland nearby.
No mains gas, sewerage or drainage adding to development costs. Electricity supply inadequate placing pressure on infrastructure and services.
Could not be integrated into landscape without harming character. Located in valley and visible from all directions, a mmajor intrusion into the openness of the countryside and extending urbanisation. Effect on tourism.
High quality agricultural land producing food.
Fosse Way a Roman road and former tollhouse at junction of Fosse Way and Southam Road important to historic landscape.
Two historical woodlands providing habitat for wildlife.
Archaeology likely to be discovered if dig takes place prior to site work which needs to be recovered and safeguarded.
Local residents will be outnumbered by new residents which doesn't lead to peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Undesirable effects on local businesses and could lead to closure of WEC with potential harm to others. Car park could then be open to expansion by GT community making it larger than envisaged. Would then be obliged to sell to illegal occupants.

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