
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58842

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: C L Deith

Representation Summary:

Proposed site will not meet criteria for choices.
GP surgery not as close as SA suggests and sugeries are at capacity. No direct bus service.
Similarly, schools are further away than stated and are near capacity and will be full when new development takes place.
Site close to road junction of two major roads resulting in high level of noise and pollution. Large number of vehicles with access and egress onto these roads could result in accidents. Unsafe for residents, expecially children. Further concern for children in close proximity to canal close by.
Ill served for services and facilities with no mains drainage or gas and limited rural electricity supply. Increased use of electricity supply would affect existing businesses and place undue pressure on infrastructure and services.
Site at foot of valley could not be integrated into landscape and would be a major intrusion into the openness of the countryside.
Would progress urbanisation with street lighting, pavements, bus shelter etc. into green field/agricultural land.
Land is high quality arable land producing food.
Integration into local community not possible with small local community inundated.
Would result in closure of WEC with undesirable effect on other local businesses. Such closure would be invitation to other GT to utilise car park and occupy site illegally.
Siting would not be in wider interest of towns having detrimental effect on tourism.
Creates ribbon development.

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