
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58627

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs J A Avis

Representation Summary:

- The nearest available doctors surgery is 5 miles away and schools similarly. All are at or near to capacity.
-The nearest supermarket is over 4 miles away so the site is far from accessible to services.
-The proposed site is near to two high - speed roads and would be unsafe for residents (particularly children)
The site would be on an important historic and archaeological area and occupy valuable arable land.
-A 15 pitch site would occupy 8000sq m of land and could not be integrated into the rural landscape without being highly visible (harming the entire area).
- There is no mains sewers or gas supply,the site would therefore require substantial non-mains facilities.
-The suggestion of working form the site would result in even larger more unsightly operations that would be harmful to the entire area.
-The site could cause the closure of the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre, causing a loss of jobs here and with assocaited small businesses.
-The proposed site would be highly visible in the countryside. This would be detrimental to the areas outlook, reputation and visitors / tourism.
-If the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre were to close residents could face the problem of illegal entry and occupation of the centres large car parking area, thereby creating a far larger problem.
-The site would require many features such as lamp columns, pavements, bus stops and possible road widening that would result in the innapropriate urbanisation of this rural location.
-The site is close to valuable woodlands where there are protected species and established habitats.

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