
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58620

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Carol Mills

Representation Summary:

The following issues have been submitted as reasons to discount this site for development as a G and T Site.
- The nearest GP surgey is 3.3 miles away and has no further capacity, the nearest surgery with capacity is 5 miles away with no direct bus link.
-The nearest primary school has limited capacity for extra pupils
-There is no footpath / pavement link to Radford Semele and the traffic on the local roads would make walking and cycling very dangerous. To compound this, the nearest bus stop is on an overgrown verge and is unsafe.
-The proposed site is on the junction of two main roads ( Southam Road and the Fosse Way and is subject to high speeds / volumes of traffic -therefore access would be dangerous)
- Regarding the Local economy there are concerns that this site may cause the demise of the Warwickshire Exhibition centre and would impact on other associated businesses such as B and B's and hotels / public houses in the area.The loss of associated jobs is a major consideration.
- The Gand T site would impact on the landscape and deter tourism.
-Considerable infrastructure would be required including road widening new access arrangements/ traffic control systems due to the proximity of the roundabout , Fosse Way and main Leamington / Southam Roads.
Wildlife and the landscape quality of this area would be damaged by this site (it would be impossible to mitigate for it).

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