
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58588

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Miss Anita Ashwood

Representation Summary:

Objects on the following grounds: The Fosse Way is a high risk travel route with more than 12 accidents in the last three years. Site is only 50m from the junction with A425. The bus stop is located on an overgrown verge and the road does not have any cycleways or pavements making car usage essential. The site is on the archaeological register and adjacent to protected woodland home to protected species Pipistrelle bats and Great Crested Newts. Doctors surgeries and schools are already being put under additional pressure with proposed housing at Radford Semele and Sydenham. Site could not be integrated into the landscape without affecting the rural character and will have asignificant impact on the valley approach into Leamington and Warwick. Will result in the closure of the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre with potential job losses and impact on the local economy.

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