
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58567

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Joyce W Beasley

Representation Summary:

Nearest GP surgery is full. No direct bus service to next closest.
Nearest hospital at least 6 miles away with no direct bus access.
Schools are at capacity. Bus stop is on overgrown verge with no pavement so potentially dangerous.
On high risk travel route.
Animal welfare in winter.
Welfare of wild animals.
Cycling dangerous on busy commuter routes, especially for children.
No path to walk anywhere.
Serious cost and disruption to traffic.
Urbanisation in the countryside.
Dangerous turning movement into access.
Disruption in connecting services to site.
Site is on Archaeological Register and is historic route.
Adjacent to historic wood with protected species.
Sporting shoots take place nearby creating potential danger.
Loss of WEC, jobs. Impact on other businesses and lcoal economy.
Impact on tourism.

Full text:

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