
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58542

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Ms Alison Dodds

Representation Summary:

Object because
-The Fosse Way and Southam Roads are high speed and therefore dangerous for families.
-There are few local schools and medical facilities, new development (let alone a travellers site) will put pressure on these services.
-The Fosse Way is an ancient Roman road and will be spoiled by bus stops, traffic lights and any other modernisation/ improvements required
-The site could have a detrimental impact on the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre causing a loss of business / emoloyment opportunities in the area/ investment in the County.
-Tourism could be affected if the scenic Warwickshire countryside is disrupted / spoiled by this development
-There are many animal species that could be affected locally by unvacinated pets.

Full text:

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