
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58334

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Pauline Sheasby

Representation Summary:

Flaws in SA report.
Plan for extra 100-150 new houses in LP
Incredible idea of CPO
No safe and convenient access to GP and schools.
Bus stop is on grass verge isolated from roundabout with no pathways or crossings.
Effect on local habitat.
Not a safe area on A425 and Fosse Way. High crash risk area and very busy and fast. Not a road for settlement without increasing risks to drivers, youngsters and animals.
Utilities are poor. Inappropriate to consider work and expense of provision.
Natural and historic value of landscape.
Woodlands nearby with protected species.
Surrounded by agricultural land , local businesses and privately owned properties. Loss of these is unacceptable.
Would be clearly visible from four approaches and out of character, therefore could not be integrated into landscape.
If land purchased by CPO there can be no peaceful or integrated co-existence.

Full text:

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