
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58109

Received: 17/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Cynthia Tamraz

Representation Summary:

-No convenient access to a GP surgery or school and it would place additional pressure on nearby. SA report incorrect
Lack of facilities/infrastructure
-Concern over road safety on Fosse Way from extra traffic and vehicle access to the site
-Proximity to road will cause noise disturbance to the site
-No existing utilities on site such as sewerage, drainage or gas, and it could place pressure on rural electricity supply
-Damage to a site of historical and archaeological importance (Roman Road)
-Adverse visual and physical impact on the rural landscape
-Difficulty integrating into the local community due to the remote location and existing close-knit community
-Adverse visual impact on the rural landscape, due to size
-Concern over bio-security on local livestock
-Adverse effect on a site of historical importance, nearby protected woodland and wildlife habitat (Pipistrelle bats, Great Crested Newts)

Full text:

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