
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58087

Received: 24/07/2013

Respondent: DR Amanda Randall

Representation Summary:

Not allocating sites in the Green Belt creates unacceptable cumulative impact and undue pressure to the South of the District.

Site represents a fundamental change to the rural landscape, causing harm to the rural nature and increasing perception of coalescence between settlements. Why is site appropriate for travellers but not for general housing development.

Completely inadequate access, public transport, schooling and doctors' facilities to support additional people.

Access to the road would be unsafe.

Full text:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re: Proposed Gypsy and Traveller Sites near Harbury

I am writing in addition to completing a response form objecting to the proposals for sites GT02, GT03 and GT04 in which I include more detailed responses to the proposals. I have also added handwritten notes to the typed comments.

The avoidance of allocating inappropriate development within the 80% of Warwick District designated Green Belt is creating an unacceptable cumulative impact to the South of the District on the character of the area and infrastructure; there is undue pressure on our area to absorb a disproportionate number of the proposed sites. Taken individually or together the proposals would represent a fundamental change to the rural landscape. It may not be Green belt, but it is countryside nonetheless. The proposed development would completely change the character of the area, causing harm to the rural nature and increasing the perception of coalescence between settlements. I note that the Warwickshire Local Plan strategy document (i.e.; the long term development plan for the county) makes no reference to any development in the areas of the proposed traveller sites. I wish to know what then makes them become appropriate for a traveller site if not for general housing development.

In respect of all three sites, there is completely inadequate access to, and provision for, public transport, schooling and doctors' facilities to support this additional population within a reasonable distance.

In respect of GT03 and GT04, Harbury Lane is already a very busy road with a number of blind bends and adjoins a designated High Risk Route. During the 25 years I have lived in the area, I have known of many serious accidents which have occurred along Harbury Lane. I would consider that access to this road is currently unsafe from either of these sites. Similarly, in respect of GT02, I consider access to the road would be unsafe.

I strongly object to the proposals at all three sites and hope you will take due consideration in your decision making of my reasons and arguments in support of my objections.