
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 57919

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Martin & Kim Drew & Barnes

Representation Summary:

-We wish to register a number of objections to the Local Plan RDS. The most important is the need for 12,300 new homes within the next 15 years.
-The total number of houses in the Strategy would require considerably more money from CIL to finance the infrastructure. There are no details as to where this investment would be sourced. The RDS is therefore unsustainable. This hospital has nowhere to expand its facilities to cope with a massively increased population. On top of this there will be increased pollution which will cause further health risks.
-The Local Plan RDS should be refused as it contradicts the Strategic vision of the DC as set out in the Sustainable Community Strategy. ''to make Warwick District a great place to live and work'

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