
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 57889

Received: 17/09/2013

Respondent: Professor Alan Brickwood

Representation Summary:

Objects to the Revised Development Strategy. Polution in many parts of Warwick already exceeds legal limits, the plan does nothing to address this. The plan is in fact a traffic generator which will cause more traffic to pass through the town. Mitigation measures will do nothing to address pollution. It is clear due to the debate taking place nationally that the Government does not want the need for housing to provoke a wanton disregard for green space. The number of new homes is excessive, out of context and without crdible justification. There appears to have been no consultation with adjoining authorities, especially Stratford who have recently announced major housing close to where Warwick is proposing the bulk of its housing, the cumulative effect has not been taken into account. There is no reference to empty properties in the housing supply. The local plan makes no reference to the national historic importance of Warwick.

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