
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 57886

Received: 01/07/2013

Respondent: Alex & Heather Holmes

Representation Summary:

Need to accommodate growth whilst balancing environmental factors right in RDS.
Objected to developing land in green belt north of Leamington citing NPPF guidance that GB boundaries should only be changed in exceptional circumstances. Continue to assert that there are none and pleased that Council has reviewed brownfield capacity and non green belt land to south of Leamington/Warwick/Whitnash concluding that these areas can accommodate more. Support principle that new development should focus on areas where there are job opportunities and infrastructure can support this.
RDS fulfills objectives, reduces threat of traffic congestion and pollution and delivers improved facilities. Benefits such as these would not have been achieved in the green belt north of Leamington.
Aware of continuing dangers to green belt from Coventry overspill and from those to south opposing development there so feel it important to make views known restating sound planning principles on which support for RDS based.

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