
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 57814

Received: 24/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Holroyde

Representation Summary:

Object to houses on Gallagher land south of Warwick:
Too many houses envisaged. Demand should be about 6000 by late 2020's. Difficult to see why houses should be built on greenfield land when brownfield land in Coventry and Birmingham available.
Increase in traffic as most facilities and employment opportunities lie in Warwick and Leamington or to the north. No bus or trains near and plan is silent on new facilities. No effort to ensure houses will not be car dependent as others
Additional traffic though Warwick and parts of Leamington will casue difficulties on roads leading to Warwick from south.
Air quality at illegal levels already and situation could get worse, damaging health of town centre people and damaging historic buildings, making Warwick unattractive to be.
New plan should be drawn up with sensible number of houses, built on brownfield land and making maximum use of empty rooms over shops. Spread development widely over district instead of concentrating in one area.

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