
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 57792

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Graham and Vera Leeke

Representation Summary:

The RDS is deeply flawed the 12300 homes proposed is unfair - the 1500 more than intended in the Preffered Options appears to have been plucked out of the air in an arbitrary manner. By using figures derived from the ONS and Census data we believe the figure to meet new housing should be 6000 homes.It is also relevant that in the Preferred Options consultation 58% of the respondents voted for scenario 1 (low growth) at 250 houses per anum.
Para 4.3 of the RDS should not stae unequivocally that the 'green belt should be protected', the green fields south o Leamington and Warwick are equally important to residents as the GBelt to the North. As the RDS states that high quality landscape should be protected the land south of Warwick should be be removed from the plan (as per the Asps.

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