
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 57756

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Simon Hobson

Representation Summary:

The proposal for 12,300 homes will increase the population by 29,520 doubling the size of Warwick since the last census. It will also increase the number of cars on the roads. Infrastructure will not be able to cope with this volume of change without substantial investment not to mention the impact on local communities of such an increase in population, particularly as the large majority of this is a result of people moving to Warwick.
Barford has already been affected by increased traffic at peak times from commuting to the employment in and around Warwick. The impact of placing a further 4,000 cars within 1 mile of the village will further increase traffic and danger to pedestrian and motorists. It is likely that the new residents will work at the Gateway scheme and have to commute via Warwick's Grade II listed bridge. The County Councils past traffic management schemes such as in Warwick and at Princes Drive do not give confidence.The level of homes proposed is too much for Barford on top of the amount proposed for the village.

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