
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 57700

Received: 16/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Gary Ingram

Representation Summary:

Re: Field adjacent to A4144 (with access to be gained off Ebrington Drive)

The field is prone to flooding in wet weather (balanacing pond).

Another 90-100 houses on this field would cause further traffic issues in rush hous on road to Warwick as this is already heavily congested every morning.

More traffic on and off the estate causing congestion.

Infrastructure not in place for more residents - not enough schools inlo local area to accommodate the new residents.

No local amenities - shop too small - no GP surgery.

If M40 is closed the traffic is horendous - another development would cause gridlock.

On a positive note the estate may benefit with a smaller development a the top of the estate for more elderly residents.

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