
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 57685

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Jonathan Hattersley

Representation Summary:

Very concerned about Harbury Lane and it becoming a "motorway" that divides housing developments on either side and the dangers of not having a lower speed limit than the current 50 mph to traffic coming off the estates.
Also the roundabout at the end of Earl Rivers Avenue needs to be improved by "smoothing" it out to cope with the increased levels of traffic as it is poorly designed

Full text:

Like a lot of people I am very concerned about the increase in traffic and the accompanying pollution and congestion, particularly in view of the limited number of crossings for the railways and rivers.

However, there are 2 issues I particularly want to raise:
* Harbury Lane - I am very concerned about this road and how it will be developed to deal with the increase in traffic. My concern is with it becoming a "motorway" that divides housing developments on either side and the dangers of not having a lower speed limit than the current 50 mph to traffic coming off the estates. Also the roundabout at the end of Earl Rivers Avenue needs to be improved by "smoothing" it out to cope with the increased levels of traffic as it is poorly designed.
* Churches - No mention or account seems to have been made about the provision of Churches for the influx of new people. At least some provision has been made this time for primary schools and maybe a secondary school plus local centre,s but consideration needs to be given to space for Church buildings even if they are satellites to the current Parish Churches.