
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 57649

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Kevin Mitchell

Representation Summary:

Objects to the RDS on the following grounds: The bulk of the proposed housing is concentrated in one location south of Warwick/Leamington and around Whitnash.

The scale and proportion of proposals will lead to:
* long term coalescence of settlements,
* loss of significant open space,
* loss of local countryside,
* loss of agricultural land,
* significant urban sprawl.
* excessive bulk and scale,
* significant overdevelopment of the area
* increased air pollution in Warwick Town Centre (already at high levels)

The proposals will affect local road traffic/infrastructure:
* The road infrastructure south of Warwick/Leamington and around Whitnash is already stretched.
* the local road infrastructure is inadequate. (e.g congestion on various local roads)
* traffic heading towards the town centres is already a major problem,
* additional traffic from new housing will make existing congestion worse-gridlock, increased pollution etc.
* congestion on rural roads outside the town at peak times is also already a problem
* traffic noise,
* potential increased danger to pedestrians and children.
* Proposed traffic mitigation measures will not alleviate the problems and therefore proposals contrary to NPPF Policy DC7.

Will affect local services/amenities which is contrary to the NPPF and Policy DP2:
* pressure on local schools
* primary schools already oversubscribed year on year
* increased pressure on the local secondary schools
* effect on catchment areas
* effect on applications from siblings of children already in one school
* new schools not "guaranteed" to be built as part of the developments
* limited access to doctors and dentists surgeries in the Whitnash and Warwick Gates and Myton areas already
* effect on increased numbers on the local hospitals

Will increase flood Risk due to:
* existing flood issues in Whitnash and Warwick Gates
* scale and density of proposed housing,
* large areas of paved/concreted or tarmac surface etc,

The following alternatives should be considered:
* Identifying existing housing that is derelict or currently unoccupied,
* Identifying empty industrial units with a view to use the land for brownfield site housing.
* Identifying an area in the surrounding countryside to use to build an entirely "new town".
* Spreading the numbers of new homes evenly around the district, with lots more much smaller developments.
* Smaller developments given to local builders rather than large national firms, thus helping the local economy.

Full text:

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