
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57397

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Carol Gibson

Representation Summary:

Would result in closure of WEC with loss of 40 jobs and impact on ancillary jobs.
Economic impact.
GP surgery has no capacity. Next closest is five miles away with no direct bus service.
School has insufficient places for significant number of new childen.
Concern about additional houses to be built at Radford Semele.
Shops and hospital some miles distant.
Dangers of Fosse Way - high risk route.
There is only one bus stop on a grass verge and no pathway making walking and cycling dangerous.
The site is on Archaeological register and referred to in Doomsday Book with historic toll. Fosse Way is Roman road.
Site is in valley and therefore very visible on all approach roads.
Medieval wood sited on the hill adjacent with protected species.
Light pollution at night from dwellings and vehicles.

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