
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57364

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Alan Sampson

Representation Summary:

Remote from GP surgery.
Schools are either fully subscribed or will be once new housing developed.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Woodlands contain rare species.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on WEC and other businesses resulting in job losses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
Risk to animal welfare.
Loss of wildlife habitat.

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