
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57328

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Patrick Gallagher

Representation Summary:

School and GP are full or nearly full and are 5 miles away so there is no convenient access to these facilities or a local supermarket.
Unsafe, particularly for children, as located on two high speed roads.
Located in an important historic and archaeological area.
Occupies good quality arable land.
Cannot successfully be visually integrated into the area. Allowing residents to work from the site will exacerbate the problem and be completely out of place.
Too far from village to integrate with community but will outnumber the immediate neighbouring properties.
No utilities in this area and would put undue pressure on rural electricity supply.
Adverse impact on Exhibition Centre and knock on effect to local businesses and economy. Closure of Exhibition Centre could lead to site being targeted for unauthorised occupation.
Highly visible from Southam Road and Fosse Way which will be detrimental to local tourist industry.
Local facilities cannot accommodate this increase in population in the area.
Will adversely affect highway safety at junction.
Urbanisation will occur through road widening, bus stops, street lighting etc.
Nearly woodland, species and habitats would the threatened by the proposal.

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