
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 57308

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr David Leigh-Hunt

Representation Summary:

WEC would have to close with associated job losses.
Ecological concerns as the the effect that uncontrolled an unvaccinated dogs could have on wildlife and local animals.
Potential for flooding.
Current crop production may not be able to continue due to threat of contamination.
Archaeoliogical possibilities.
Disbelief at size of site proposed in relation to character of site.
Traffic density woud increase with little liklihood that Fosse Way would be widened or upgraded.
Access clearly a danger.
Bus stops are on grass verges and not suitable for those waiting at them.
GP surgery at a distance a full.
School capacity doubtful.
Public transport is inadequate.
Adverse detrimental impact on character of area.
Loss of agricultural land.

Full text:

see attached
