
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56849

Received: 30/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Joseph Eason

Representation Summary:

Gradualness should be the principle. Resentments are already being stirred up and it is necessary to take people with you. There is a sound argument for resistance to some aspects because current services are seen as already struggling to cope, although these proposals are better than the last ones.
The Green Belt should still be respected despite government being more flexible on this principle. But nobody's area should be perceived as being overwhelmed. The economic case for supporting these numbers is not demonstrated and in this context social housing should be a considerable proportion of the extra build.

Full text:

I have been delayed in sending in my comments because of the website for the Plan wrongly telling me I was using the wrong e mail or password and I hope these few comments can be added on the early morning after the midnight closure on the 29th ( a strange date which actually confused me!)

1 Clarendon Retail Arcade
One anchor and 42 units are are far too ambitious given the fate of retail units in the town centre currently. Effort should be put into securing one or two high quality retailers to plug gaps. New empty premises should not be risked

2 Extra Homes
Gradualness should be the principle. Resentments are already being stirred up and it is necessary to take people with you. There is a sound argument for resistance to some aspects because current services are seen as already struggling to cope , although these proposals are better than the last ones. The Green Belt should still be respected despite government being more flexible on this principle. But nobody's area should be perceived as being overwhelmed.

The economic case for supporting these numbers is not demonstrated and in this context social housing should be a considerable proportion of the extra build

I hope these few comments should be added