
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56804

Received: 18/07/2013

Respondent: Roger Speck

Representation Summary:

No convenient access doctors or schools.
Few shops close by.
No employment sites/opportunities for travellers and would lead to closure of Exhibition Centre and adverse impact on local jobs/economy.
Site prone to flooding.
No safe access to road network. Increasing traffic here is unsustainable.
No water supply or waste disposal.
Cannot be integrated into the landscape and would adversely affect natural and historic environment eg wildlife and woodlands.
Coexistence would not be possible.
Increased pressure on local services.
Using large commercial vehicles/vans is unsustainable.
No footpaths, bus stops or waiting areas. Crossing A425 is dangerous.
Insufficient infrastructure to support the site.
Site is on Archaeological Register.
Contrary to Green Belt policies. There are more appropriate brown field sites available.

Full text:

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