
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56738

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Philip Cobourne

Representation Summary:

Does not have convenient access to GP surgery, school or public transport.
Why should taxpayers have to contribute to deelopment which is ill conceived, places greater need overloaded road network and will impact on area of natural beauty.
Travellers will not integrate with local communtity, are averse to sending their children to school and treat facilities provided for them with little or no respect, risking public health and hygene.
Will encroach onto neighbouring land resulting in breakdown of community relationships and legal battles.
Risks closure of WEC and loss of local jobs and income.
Travellers have well documented history of public order issues including localised crime/theft. Impact on local policing will increase.
Flawed plan to provide site in this area. Should consider brownfield sites as alternative utilising existing services/infrastructure.

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