
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56737

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Peter Swatton

Representation Summary:

No convenient access to doctors or schooling.
Woefully inadequate public transport links. Every journey has to be made by car. Buses that do run do not have suitable pick up and drop off points. Therefore unsustainable and environmentally damaging.
Fosse Way dangerous with several fatalities on this stretch. Site would increase traffic significantly and require vehicles to join and leave this fast road frequently increasing the liklihood of accidents.
Site is dangerous and unsuitable for children and animals.
There are no sewage facilities as the area relies on cess pits and problem would be exacerbated with pollution caused to the watercourses.
Site would cause damage to rural landscape.
Fosse Way is of historical importance as Roman road where artefacts and structures are found. These would be damaged by development.
Current thriving business brings income to area. Little economic sense in destroying this when there are other sites without businesses on them.

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