
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56736

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs J Bell

Representation Summary:

Impact on WEC and other local businesses.
Fosse Way a high risk route and further access on to or off Fosse or A425 woud increase risk.
Fosse Way well known Roman road and site is on Archaeoligical Register with historic toll site nearby. Development would endanger this and prevent further important work which might lead to important discoveries increasing tourism.
Medical and educational facilities are overcrowded and would not be available for an increased population. Access would be poor or dangerous with no footpaths.
Transport to amenities are not in place, including to facilities for young people.
Camps are required but this proposal has not been given enough consideration. There are other sites which have been brought to the attention of WDC including a Caravan Park which is currently unused close to Warwick but it has not even been considered.

Full text:

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