
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56707

Received: 27/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Patricia Follett

Representation Summary:

SA report full of question marks yet this site comes equal first choice.
WEC will have to close if site located here. Already suffered through this proposal. Impact on local economy and loss of jobs.
Next to Roman road which is listed in Archaeological register with recent pottery finds. Also medieval toll site.
Nearest GP is 5 miles away not 1.5. Surgery is full and there is no direct bus service. School in Radford Semele also full.
High risk route with serious accidents. Bus stop is on grass verge by busy roundabout with no pavement access. No street lighting, no paths and cycling high risk activity.
Additional costs to providing facilities at nearest villages.
No mains drainage or gas supply and provision would be costly.
Close to protected ancient woodland and would have considerable impact with noise and light pollution, on wildlife, including protected species.
Visual impact would be enormous and could not be screened by hedging or landscaping.
SA report fall short of full exploration of the issues, which, when fully researched will render site unsuitable.

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