
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56693

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Dave Crisford

Representation Summary:

A significant portion of the search area is land associated with the operation of local businesses so taking of this land will adversely affect and may cause the closure of the business. This is contrary to the draft Local Plan clause 3.4 bullet Point 1 re: facilitating the growth of the local economy and 8in particular the rural economy (rr: statement on page 8).

Full text:

Comment on Draft Local Plan
Clause 4.4.7
This should be made clearer as to whether the bullet points are an 'all or nothing requirement' or if there is some flexibility for mix and match. For instance, if there is a market housing demand for a small village which has the required local support, I would support the requirement that a component of 'affordable housing' is included.
The last bullet point is unlikely to be satisfied for a small village development of say 3 to 8 units within the context of a small village of say 50 houses and say 100 in the entire parish and with no school, bus or shop. The additional residents might marginally improve the social aspects of the community depending on the 'interests ' of the new residents. The clearest gain to the local community would come if there was a community facilities payment from the development of the market housing units directly to the Parish Council.. This could then be used for the benefit of community facilities, but otherwise this last bullet point should be deleted or relegated to an aspiration.

Gypsy and Traveller Site Options.
In Clause 7.3 , an additional criterion (bullet Point@ should be included to the effect that @The site selection should be in accord with other wider objectives in the Local Plan'. If there is such a conflict, this should be taken into account when making comparisons between the site options.
Sites GT17 and GT 18 are redundant brownfield sites and reuse of such land is/should be an objective of the Local Plan.
In site GT02, a significant portion of the search area is land associated with the operation of local businesses so taking of this land will adversely affect and may cause the closure of the business and this is contrary to the draft Local Plan clause 3.4 bullet Poin5t 1 re facilitating the growth of the local economy and 8in particular the rural economy (re statement on page 8)