
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56692

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Vikki Holroyd

Representation Summary:

Local primary schools oversubscribed and involve a dangerous journey. Historically taxi service provided locally due to danger. Potential for absenteeism from difficult access.
Similarly NHS (approx. 7 miles) and GP surgeries (3 miles with no bus).
Site previously rejected in SHLAA as not suitable for development because of access to schools, services and employment.
B425 and A425 have no footways and are busy with congestion at roundabout and history of accidents - traffic from sites would exacerbate. Public transport non-existent and secondary schools even further away. Cycling dangerous. Bus stop on A425 dangerous and none on B425 - provision would increase danger.
Heavy traffic noise.
Difficult to screen in landscape causing local resentment.
Potential loss of local jobs (Warwick Exhibition Centre). Lack of opportunity for travellers to work in same location.
No gas, drains or electricity and poor broadband. Car travel necessary for all journeys.

Full text:

Another highly contentious factor for any Traveller community and peaceful integration could be the loss of local jobs.
The proposed site would result in the loss of 40 local jobs and an anticipated loss £2m to the local business community (shops pubs and restaurants used by visitors to the established Warwickshire Exhibition centre). The centre had 33000 visitors in 2012
There would be no opportunities for travellers to live and work in the same location thereby omitting travel to work journeys. No gas,drains or electricity and poor broadband. As has already been emphasised car travel would be necessary in all aspects of life on this site.
In conclusion the proposed site GT02 is not at all conducive with the aims of the local plan and can only be seen as a situation that would not only put travellers and their families at risk but also not give them the opportunities of integration and lifestyle this plan purports to support.