
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56623

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr K J Shaw

Representation Summary:

F-ing tick boxes-
-No convenient access to a GP surgery or school and it would place additional pressure on nearby amenities
-Concern over resident safety due to proximity of the road particular children
-Site of historical and archaeological importance, occupying agricultural land
-No existing utilities on site such as sewerage or gas, and it could place pressure on rural electricity supply and other infrastructure
-Adverse visual impact on the rural landscape from irregular pattern and potential work practises expanding the scale of the site.
-Negative impact on local business (Warwickshire Exhibition Centre), causing damage to local economy
- Urbanisation of rural landscape for pedestrian infrastructure
-Site close to protected woodland with protected species
-Local services, facilities, medical care and schools cannot cope with further development

Full text:

see attached
