
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56514

Received: 01/09/2013

Respondent: Mr Ray Steele

Representation Summary:

Objection the following reasons:-

The nearest GP surgeries are full and the Cubbington Road Surgery is 4.7 miles from the site but is not served by direct public transport so there is no convenient access to a surgery.

The Radford Primary School is almost full and if the additional houses are built in the village it will be full. It is outside of the Harbury catchment area but Harbury Primary School has too many children already.

The public transport is satisfactory but irrelevant as the residents are likely to use their own transport. The bus stop on the B425 has no pedestrian links to the potential site.

The 15 pitches could contain up to 50 vehicles and generate hundreds of traffic movements, adding significantly to existing peak time delays. It is on the junction of two major roads (Fosse Way is designated a High Risk Route by the County Council) and so highway improvements may be required although it is possibly unwise to introduce even more traffic turns at this major junction.

This site is adjacent to the Fosse Way, a very busy and noisy main road, likely to cause potential for noise and disturbance for site residents

The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and the electricity supply is a limited rural line which will possibly need to be upgraded to meet an increase in demand, placing pressure on local infrastructure.

The Fosse Way is on its original alignment and the development is likely to destroy the archaeological remains which have already been found in the area. The nearby traditional historic Woodlands contain rare species.

The proposed site is four times larger than the Exhibition Centre and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size to six times as large. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. .

The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community. Radford Semele is over 1.5 from the site so it will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.

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