
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56509

Received: 24/07/2013

Respondent: Barbara Hingley

Representation Summary:

Following original consultation process and further studies undertaken, the Council have produced a plan which has a sound basis. It makes sense that most of the new development is located close to where employment opportunities exist with a fair distribution of new housing across the remainder of the District. Providing for improvement to the road network south of Leamington will undoubtedly reduce existing congestion and will obviously cater for new development and is to be welcomed. Essential that any amendments to the plan to not involve development on the North Leamington Green Belt area which meets the five key roles of Green Belt. Trusts that the finalised plan will now be completed and submitted at an early date.

Full text:

I am writing in support of the New Local Plan Revised Development Strategy.

I feel that, after the original consultation process, the further studies undertaken by the Council have produced a plan which has a sound basis.

It makes sense that most of the new development is located close to where employment opportunities exist with a fair distribution of new housing across the remainder of the District.

The Revised Development Strategy providing for improvement to the road network south of Leamington will undoubtedly reduce existing congestion and will obviously cater for new development and is to be welcomed.

It is essential that any amendments to the plan to not involve development on the North Leamington Green Belt area which, it has been demonstrated meets the five key roles of Green Belt.

I trust that the finalised plan will now be completed and submitted at an early date.