
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56508

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Peter & Sue Franklin

Representation Summary:

Protests very strongly against the suggested plans for so many extra houses to be built on all sides of Warwick Town. Centre of Warwick already subjected to greatly increased traffic which brings with it increased noise, dust, fumes and pollution. Not pleasant to have windows open fronting main roads. Accidents on the M40 or Warwick Bypass traffic lead to traffic directed into the already gridlocked town.

Full text:

We would like to protest very strongly against the suggested plans for so many extra houses to be built on all sides of Warwick Town.

We live in the centre of the town in Theatre Street and already we are subject over the years to greatly increased traffic which brings with it increased noise, dust, fumes and pollution. This means that even in this hot weather it is far from pleasant to have our windows which front onto Theatre Street open. Added to the already heavy and constant traffic, every time there is an accident on the M40 or Warwick Bypass traffic is directed into the already gridlocked town.

There are a lot of people who live in this lovely town, please do not spoil it by increasing the traffic as every house built will create at least two extra cars to snarl up our narrow and busy roads even more.

Please consider us in your deliberations.