
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56460

Received: 16/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Peter Furze

Representation Summary:

Support for RDS. Heartening to see this recognises there are no exceptional circumstances that warrant major development of the North Leamington Greenbelt and it is necessary to preserve limited greenbelt between Leamington/Kenilworth.
WDC commended for revision as whilst keeping the housing requirement it manages to satisfy this through better use of brownfield sites and limited number of houses on greenbelt land south of Leamington, where there is more greenbelt before any other town is reached. Revision is more equitable in that new houses allocated include 17% in greenbelt North of Leamington and 15% in villages.
Development south of Leamington places people close to employment opportunities and should reduce journey time/mileage for commuting: beneficial for environment too.
RDS provides for improvements to road network to south of Leamington and provision of necessary schools and infrastructure to support development. Hope that improvements are built in timely and co-ordinated fashion.

Full text:

I would like to register my support for the Revised Development Strategy for the local plan.It is heartening to see that this Revised Development Strategy now recognises that there are no exceptional circumstances that warrant major development of the North Leamington Greenbelt and that it is necessary to preserve the limited greenbelt between Leamington and Kenilworth.
WDC is to be commended for this revision as whilst it keeps the housing requirement it manages to satisfy this through the better use of brownfield sites and a limited number of houses on greenbelt land south of Leamington, where there is a greater amount of greenbelt before any other town is reached.This revision also is more equitable in the way that the new houses are allocated including 17% in greenbelt to the North of Leamington and 15% in villages.
Development to the South of Leamington also places people close to employment opportunities and should reduce the journey time/mileage for commuting to work for these new households, which should be beneficial for the environment as well as the people concerned.
I note that the Revised Development Strategy provides for improvements to the road network to the south of Leamington and for the provision of the necessary schools and other infrastructure to support this Development - I would hope that these improvements are built in a timely and co-ordinated fashion.
Overall I would commend WDC for revising the Development Strategy .