
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56412

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: John Labrum

Representation Summary:

Objects to the proposals for substantial development to the south of Warwick and Leamington Spa for well documented reasons put forward by many others but particularly on the grounds of health and increase in pollution.

Full text:

Although not resident in the centre of Warwick which I understand has pollution from vehicle exhausts already worse than legally permitted levels I live in an area close to the existing roundabout with Myton Road. I understand that it is planned to install traffic lights with additional lanes in place of the roundabout due to the anticipated increase in traffic if the Council's proposals as to development are implemented. As I understand it the air pollution not only in Warwick itself but at the proposed new traffic lights and along the nearby roads will be worsened.

Furthermore I walk into Warwick on a regular basis as do a number of other residents in Bridge End and am concerned at the anticipated
increase in air pollution for pedestrians and householders generally. What steps are to be taken by the Council, advised by yourself, as to safety measures in relation to air pollution in Warwick itself and on the roads leading into the town and in other residential areas?

I object to the Council's proposals as to possible and substantial development to the south of Warwick and Leamington Spa in any event for well documented reasons put forward by many others but particularly on the grounds of health as indicated above. I await your reply to the second paragraph of this letter.