
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56403

Received: 25/07/2013

Respondent: Walter Block

Representation Summary:

A sprawl of housing estates over green fields will encourage more car dependency in an already congested area as well as using up good agricultural land.

The suggested plans to cope with the vastly increased traffic will increase the atmospheric pollution to even more dangerous levels, and make the centre of Warwick unbearable for residents and visitors creating multilane traffic light controlled road junctions.

Need for affordable housing, but not in the numbers suggested and not in vast soulless estates to suit developers.

A lot could be accommodated with in-fills and brownfield locations much nearer shops and schools and other amenities. This would also give a chance to local builders who unlike big developers do not need vast greenfield sites.

Full text:

No credible evidence has been given for the need of 12,300 new houses.

A new sprawl of housing estates over green fields will encourage more car dependency in an already congested area as well as using up good agricultural land.

The suggested plans to 'cope with the vastly increased traffic will increase the already illegal atmospheric pollution to even more dangerous levels, quite apart from making the centre of Warwick unbearable for residents and visitors and creating multilane traffic light controlled road junctions.

There is need for affordable housing, but not in the numbers suggested and not in vast soulless estates to suit developers. A lot could be accommodated with in-fills and brown field locations much nearer shops and schools and other amenities. This would also give a chance to local builders who unlike big developers do not need vast greenfield sites.