
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 56369

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Bernice Parker

Representation Summary:

Wish to object to proposed gyspy and traveller sites in the Harbury area.

Full text:

I would like to lodge my objection to the proposed gypsy and traveller sites proposed for the Harbury area. Bernice Parker, CV33 9LR.
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The Jephson Group comprises three Associations, all of which are non-profit making industrial and provident societies. Jephson Homes Housing Association is the parent of the Group. Jephson Housing Association and Marches Housing Association are subsidiaries of Jephson Homes Housing Association. All three associations are exempt charities and are registered with The Social Housing Regulator, and are members of the National Housing Federation.