
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56353

Received: 18/07/2013

Respondent: Ms. I Walker

Representation Summary:

Pleased to see that the Council has issued a Revised Development Plan which acknowledges that the exceptional circumstances needed for major development in the N. Leamington Green Belt area do not exist and have produced proposals which preserve the green area between Kenilworth and Leamington. It is good that housing requirements are being met in a more acceptable manner, with a fair distribution over the District and that most development is provided in areas where there are most employment opportunities. This is a rational and environmentally friendly solution.

Full text:

I am very pleased to see that the Council has issued a Revised Development Plan which acknowledges that the exceptional circumstances needed for major development in the N. Leamington Green Belt area do not exist and have produced proposals which preserve the green area between Kenilworth and Leamington. It is good that housing requirements are being met in a more acceptable manner, with a fair distribution over the District and that most development is provided in areas where there are most employment opportunities. This is a rational and environmentally friendly solution.
I am happy to support the revised plan.