
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56324

Received: 19/07/2013

Respondent: Vicky & Tim Newbold

Representation Summary:

Object to new local plan for over 7000 houses to be built in Warwick.
Live and work in Warwick and takes an hour morning and evening to make a 2 mile round trip. This is costly in terms of fuel, time consuming and stressful and creates significant pollution risking health.
Coten End school is oversubscribed and will be expanded this year from 60 to 90 children in each year, resulting in less time for teachers to spend with children, very crowded lunch halls, sports fields and assemblies.
Cape Road GP has closed its books and Warwick hospital cannot cater for a massive population increase.
Building significant amount of new housing will significantly increase problems and make Warwick unpleasent place to live.
Not sure why houses need to be built on greenfield sites when there are industrial estates which are unsightly and would be better knocked down and built upon.

Full text:

I am writing to object about the new local plan for over 7000 houses to be built in Warwick.
We live and work in Warwick and it currently takes me an hour in the morning in the evening to make a 2 mile round trip from my home at Ward Grove, off the Myton Road, to my daughter's nursery on Heathcote Lane, my son's school (Coten End on Emscote Road) and my work (Warwickshire County Council on Barrack Street). This is both costly in terms of fuel - at a time where our family budget is very restricted - and time consuming and stressful. It also creates significant pollution which could harm my children's health.
Furthermore, my son's school - Coten End - is also massively oversubscribed even now, and will be expanded this year from 60 to 90 children in each year. It goes without saying that this means less 1:1 time for teachers to spend with young children at the start of their education, and very crowded lunch halls, sports fields and assemblies.
Our local doctors (Cape Road) has had to close its books as it is over-subscribed, and our local hospital - Warwick - is relatively small, and cannot cater for such a massive population increase.
Building a significant amount of new housing in Warwick will significantly increase these problems and make Warwick a very unpleasent place to live for families. I am also not sure why houses need to be built on greenfield sites where there are a number of run down industrial estates in the area which are unsightly and would be better served being knocked down and built upon.