
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56315

Received: 19/07/2013

Respondent: Joanna Taplin

Representation Summary:

Feel the area around Bishops Tachbrook will struggle to cope with the amount of development in the plan.
Increased traffic is a worry with local roads already very busy and we have been trying to improve the speed and volume of traffic using this road since we moved in.
School unable to provide spaces for local children and not able to transfer to local Doctors as they had a long waiting list.
Thousands of new homes, including new travellers sites, will not be served by current resources

Full text:

My husband and I are writing in relation to the proposed new development in and around Bishops Tachbrook. We feel the area will struggle to cope with the amount of development in the plan. Large amounts of increased traffic is a worry, we currently live on a main road and it already very busy and we have been trying to improve the speed and volume of traffic using this road since we moved in. The school is already unable to provide spaces for all children in the local area also we were not able to transfer to the local Doctors surgery when we moved here, as we were told they had a long waiting list. With the suggestion of thousands of new homes being built and including new travellers sites, we are concerned about how the local area will manage with current resources