
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56236

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Jelena Paden

Representation Summary:

Objects to the Revised development Strategy on following grounds:
Housing demand should be satisfied by smaller developments spread throughout the district, not huge developments located in the area south of Warwick.
Since over 70% of the district is Green Belt, the future expansion of the whole district is forced into the relatively small area South of Warwick. This is an unfair proposition.
The development of a huge number of new houses, equivalent to 11 x Warwick Gates, will create massive congestion around Warwick. No evidence to show that the proposed infrastructure changes will provide any significant improvements to ease that congestion.
Concerned about potential impact on air quality.Pollution levels in Warwick and Leamington already exceed the legal limit. The District Council is required to improve air quality. The expansion of the population and cars in the town will increase the levels of pollution and could bring risk of significant health issues.
Also concerned about the impact of proposed development on the capacity of Warwick hospital, a relatively small hospital-only just about coping with the needs of the current population
The plans will ruin the visual look of Warwick forever. The increase in traffic and people will deter visitors and affect the local economy. Need to conserve the beauty of Warwick not plan to destroy it.

Full text:

For the attention of the Development Policy Manager

I have attended recent planning meetings and have read the documents relating to the Local Plan and I am writing to you to object to the revised development strategy for the Local Plan.

Housing estimates

The projected demand for new houses is 12,300. This is a huge number of houses and would equate to 8 times the size of Warwick Gates. The Revised Development Strategy gives no justification for this demand either in terms of demographic changes or more importantly the future assessment for employment in the district.

From the recent local meetings, it appears that a realistic forecast of demand would mean that we already have the required five year supply of sites to fulfill the employment forecasts.

The National Planning Policy Framework specifically states that councils should take into account neighbouring schemes and yet no mention is made of the proposals by Stratford District Council to build a new 'village' of 4500 homes near Gaydon, which would be nearer to Warwick than Stratford. This is another 3 x Warwick Gates. There must be some overlap in the assumptions made for the demand in such a small area and the plan should not proceed until that demand is justified by realistic assumptions.
Any housing demand should be satisfied by smaller developments spread throughout the district, not huge developments located in the area south of Warwick. Since over 70% of the district is Green Belt , the future expansion of the whole district is forced into the relatively small area South of Warwick. This is a ridiculously unfair proposition and is within the power of the Council to change.


Warwick currently has major traffic congestion problems. The development of a huge number of new houses, equivalent to 11 x Warwick Gates, will create massive congestion around Warwick and there is no evidence to show that the proposed infrastructure changes will provide any significant improvements to ease that congestion.

Air Quality

The air quality issue is of great concern. I understand that air pollution levels in Warwick and Leamington already exceed the legal limit. The District Council is required to improve air quality. The expansion of the population and cars in the town will increase the levels of pollution and could well bring risk of significant health issues.

Warwick Hospital.

Continuing on the theme of health, Warwick hospital is a relatively small hospital just about coping with the needs of the current population. Add 8 x Warwick Gates (plus the likely effect of the Gaydon 'village' - 3 x Warwick Gates) and it is clear that the demands will exceed the capacity of the hospital to cope with the increased population. The national press is currently highlighting the damage to communities around the country where hospitals cannot cope with the local demand.

Historic Environment

There is no doubt that the plans will ruin the visual look of Warwick forever. The increase in traffic and people will deter visitors and affect the local economy. We need to conserve the beauty of Warwick not plan to destroy it.

Gypsy & Traveller Sites

Whatever the criteria used for the selection of sites, it appears that over half of the sites have been allocated to the relatively small area south of Warwick. (the same area which is proposed to take all the huge new housing developments ! ). Does it not seem inequitable that there is only one site near the north of Leamington; similarly inequitable that there are no sites at all in Kenilworth, Leek Wooton, Lapworth, Rowington and Shrewley. The identification of sites should be fair and equitable.

I would be most grateful if you would note my objections, which are based on my fear that our beautiful town of Warwick will be destroyed in the future.