
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56220

Received: 23/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Dave McNamara

Representation Summary:

Objects to the new local plan on following grounds:
* Why nearly 70 percent of housing are proposed within the same area around Warwick Gates and Bishops Tachbrook.

* This will mean a huge urban sprawl in Whitnash, Warwick and Bishops Tachbrook.

* The planning inspector who reviewed the current local plan in 2006 stated that Woodside farm should not be built on now or in the future. This still stands.

* WDCs landscape consultant Richard Morrish in the Landscape Area Statement in 2009 advised that the area at Gallows Hills should not be considered for urban extension, so why is this being ignored? The beautiful rolling countryside will be destroyed.

* The local infrastructure cannot possibly cope with this amount of housing. The roads will grind to a halt. Already the Warwick roads cannot cope at peak times. The Warwick strategic transport phase 3 assessment show traffic speeds of only 0-10 miles per hour at large parts of Warwick.

* Warwick hospital is already at capacity

* The school system in the local area is already bursting at the seams. A particular problem is at Warwick Gates.
* WDC failed to provide a school for over a thousand homes and this has caused capacity problems within the school system, with local people unable to obtain school places despite being a mile or so from the school.

* New schools must be in place before the houses are built?

Full text:

I am writing to you to strongly object to the new local plan and I have detailed a number of points below
Why are the numbers so high? Using projections based on natural growth of the population and an allowance for migration only 5400 homes are required. WDC consultants gave a forecast study in Dec 2012, in their own opinion at only 4405 new homes required. If growing for new jobs is the reason this is not required as Warwick district has low unemployment at only 1.7 percent. The 2012 strategic housing market assessment said that overall Warwick district had a very good jobs home balance.
A major issue is also why nearly 70 percent are being planned to be being built within the same area around Warwick gates and bishops tachbrook.
This will mean that their will be a huge urban sprawl of whitnash, Warwick and bishops tachbrook.
The planning inspector who reviewed the current local plan in 2006 stated that woodside farm should not be built on now or in the future. This still stands and therefore should definitely not be agreed to.
WDCs landscape consultant Richard Morrish in the landscape area statement in 2009 referred to this area at Gallows hill that this study area should not be considered for urban extension, so why is this being ignored. The beautiful rolling countryside will be destroyed.

The local infrastructure cannot possibly cope with this amount of housing. The roads will guide to a halt, already the Warwick roads cannot cope at peak times. The Warwick strategic transport phase 3 assessment show traffic speeds of only 0-10 miles per hour at large parts of Warwick.

Warwick hospital is already at capacity and cannot possibly take more people using its facilities.

The school system in the local area is already bursting at the seems, priority areas are over subscribed. Particularly a problem is Warwick gates where I am a resident. WDC failed to provide a school for over a thousand homes and this has constantly caused problems within the school system, having a knock on effect to all local schools and families. I am currently having the worrying task of finding a school place for my daughter and know of many people disappointed this year who have not managed to get there child into any of their 6 choices even with being a mile or so down the road from the school. If all these houses are going to be built as well as the gypsy sites, will the schools be in place before the houses are built, or are the current residents going to be forgotten and pushed out of priority areas with new people moving into the area. The schools MUST MUST MUST be built before the houses are occupied to stop any further issues. You cannot allow another mistake like Warwick gates to happen.

A major concern is why before the local plan is agreed are the WDC looking at accepting other applications like wood farm and harbury gardens. These should not be accepted until the local plan is accepted after correct public consultation. WDC should stand up to national government during the appeal process if necessary.

I cannot more strongly object to this local plan and the applications that are trying to sneak in the back door. WDC must take more time to consider the plan and reduce the amount of housing and distribute it evenly over the district and not just penalise our area.
The back door applications must be refused until this process is considered together.