
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 56173

Received: 22/07/2013

Respondent: Mr & Mrs George & Jennifer Haynes

Representation Summary:

Appreciate the need for some new houses but the draft plan for more than 12,000 is totally over the top.

Full text:

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Whilst we appreciate the need for some new houses the draft plan for more than 12,000 is totally over the top.
The North South division is unfair and even the mooted traffic
lights and road widening will not ease the problems that such an enormous increase in traffic would cause.. ( We refer you to the ridiculous set of traffic lights at the Princes Drive tip entrance
which causes gridlock on a regular basis )

Further afield there are yet more worries as we note that Salford University has done a survey of the warwick Castle Bridge and found it wouldn't cope with the extra burden of traffic.
Apart from pollution and associated health issues, the free flowing of services such as fire and ambulance would also be under threat.

We have not even covered the subject of employment for the expected masses etc. but will close with an expression of profound disappointment that the estates are being designed with no thought for neighbouring communities.
No-one with an ounce of consideration and decency could vote for this massacre of the Warwickshire countryside.