
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 55831

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Nancy & Stephen Oliver

Representation Summary:

Object to proposed development of site as unsuitable as follows:

Travel - Site is on a High Risk Route, used by commuters at high speed. At least 12 serious accidents in last 3 years plus countless others (including involving my brother and best friend) while our family has lived on Fosse Way close to the site. Bus stop is on overgrown verge, there is no footpath and cycling incredibly dangerous on this busy route.

Local economy - development on the site will have detrimental effect on Warwickshire Exhibition Centre, which has already lost prospective business. Puts at risk up to 40 jobs for the local community during exhibitions. An economic impact assessment suggests the centre contributes more than £2m to the local economy annually, plus knock-on business. House prices will fall and area will suffer hugely.

Access to amenities - Nearest doctor's surgery has no capacity for new patients, and is almost five miles away with no direct bus service. This does not constitute "convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport" which is a criterion for site suitability.

Historic environment - This site would surely fail the criteria regarding natural and historic environment. Parlour Spinney Woodland (dating back to Doomsday) is nearby and has several protected species of bats, deer etc. The site is on the Archaeological Register with ancient pottery recently found, and on a Historic Toll site from mediaeval times. Fosse Way Road is an extremely historical road.

Rural environment - The site lies within a valley and would be visible to travellers from many of the local areas, thus failing the "rural environment" due to visual impact. Damage to the wildlife habitat in Parlour Spinney Woodland would be hugely detrimental and contrary to Council criteria.

Full text:

Dear Sir/Madam


We are writing to register our objections for the proposed development of site GT02, on the following grounds;

1 Travel
Our family have lived on the Fosse Way just 1/2 a mile from the proposed location for nearly 40 yrs and in that time have witnessed numerous road accidents, including one involving my brother and another my best friend.

We believe the Site is not suitable because it is on a High Risk travel route. The road is used by commuters who travel at high speed which has been proved by a minimum of 12 serious accidents in the last 3 years, with countless more during the time our family have lived here. The adjacent bus stop is on an overgrown verge. There is no path to walk anywhere and cycling is incredibly dangerous on this busy commuter route.

2 Impact on the local economy
If the plan goes ahead, the GT02 site will have a detrimental affect on the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre. It has lost prospective business already. During Exhibitions, up to 40 jobs - now at risk - are provided for the local community.
An economic impact assessment submits that the exhibition centre contributes more than £2m to the local economy each year, with knock-on business at risk. House prices will fall and the area will hugely suffer from having this site nearby.

3 Access to Local Amenities
The nearest doctor's surgery has no capacity for lots of new patients, and it is almost five miles away, with no direct bus service. This would therefore seem to me that this does not constitute "convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport" that is another of the criteria against which the suitability of GT02 site is judged.

4 Historic Environment
"avoiding areas where there could be an adverse impact on important features of the natural and historic environment ..." This would surely fail your criteria, the close proximity of the Parlour Spinney Woodland (dating back to Doomsday) has several protected species of bats, deer etc. The site is on the Archaeological Register with Ancient Pottery recently found. The land is on a Historic Toll site from mediaeval times and the Fosse way Road is an extremely historical road.

5 Rural Environment
The fact of GT02 lying within a valley and would be visible to travellers from many of the local areas, constitutes failing the "rural environment" due to the visual impact.
Also, the damage to the wildlife habitat in the Parlour Spinney Woodland, adjacent to the GT02 proposed site would be hugely detrimental and contrary to your own criteria.

We do not believe that the suitability of GT02 ticks the criteria boxes you require and we strongly urge you to reconsider the suitability. We object to this proposed development.