
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 55797

Received: 27/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Neil Brown

Representation Summary:

Site inappropriate. Would put Exhibition Centre out of business with severe impact on local economy, loss of income, approx. 40 jobs and trade for other businesses.
Access from either Fosse Way or Southam Road would be dangerous given traffic speed and volume (provides statistics) and proximity to roundabout. Difficult to create an appropriate access. Fosse Way a notorious accident black spot evidenced by abundance of signs. Danger to any child inhabitants of site.
Bus stop is unmarked with no waiting area or footway access and therefor dangerous to reach along busy road.
No footways to any settlement would force residents to drive. Should score negatively.
Land requires compulsory purchase evicting families from homes destroying businesses and removing good quality agricultural land. Should score negatively.
Enfusion Report acknowledges site would not fit into landscape. No way the site could be screened effectively.
Site could be affected by archaeology - could significantly delay provision.
Presence of protected species unknown. Forestry Commission report on adj woodland reported badger, honey buzzard, bats, owls, sparrow hawks, woodpeckers and a variety of deer. Two ponds contained adders, grass snakes, frogs, toads and newts. Should be negative score on impact on natural environment.
Not a doctors' surgery within 1.5mls - is closer to 5mls - as is nearest school ; both at capacity. No access to shops or other facilities by footpath or cycleway.
No gas, and limited electric supply. History of refusals of planning applications given unsuitability of area.
Land not volunteered by owners - cpo inappropriate use of public money and affects provision timescales.

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