
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 55789

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Malgorzata Bialecka

Representation Summary:

Site appraisal carried out by Enfusion is inaccurate and misrepresentative.

The Enfusion report is unable to reach a conclusion on the economic impact of the proposal. However, most of site is owned by Warwickshire Exhibition Centre, a successful and established business, contributing to the local directly and indirectly through visitors' spending money in the wider area. Owners do not wish to sell the land as it will lead to the cessation of their business. An economic impact assessment was submitted and details the severe economic implications of the loss of the Exhibition Centre, its 40 employees and on the local economy. Therefore the proposal would have a strong negative impact on the economy.

The Enfusion report gives a positive score on Sustainable Transport and Reduced Need to Travel, with good access fom the site to public transport and a bus stop nearby. However, there are no pedestrian facilities leading to the bus stop (i.e. footpath or footway) or hard standing when waiting for a bus. Aware from personal experience that walking on the busy road to the bus stop is extremely dangerous and unpleasant. It will not encourage use of public transport.
There are no pedestrian or cyclist provisions and therefore any potential walker or cyclist would have to travel on a carriageway. Roads are busy and dangerous with high volumes of traffic. The Fosse Way is particularly notorious, as evidenced by a large number of safety/casualty warning signs.
There are no local services or community facilities so the only suitable and accessible mode of transport is by car. reachable via walking or cycling. The site will not reduce the use of car and is a strong negative of this site.

Site abuts two extremely busy roads. Site access location would be dangerous due to impaired access and forward visibility on all approaches. Traffic volumes necessitate a formal junction with a dedicated right turn lane which will require taking additional private land. A substantial access would be required (for trailers, touring caravans etc) further exacerbating the problem. Egress would be equally difficult. There could be safety implications for potential residents and general public using these busy roads. If children are playing in this area it could have serious safety implications.

The large volumes of traffic would subject residents to a lot of noise.

Site is outside the catchment area for Harbury school, and school in Radford Semele is nearing capacity. Development of 100 new houses in Radford will utilise the remaining school places.

The nearest doctors' surgery is 3.5 - 5 miles away but has is near capacity. No local services or facilities i.e. shops, schools, doctors surgery etc which can be accessed via walking, cycling etc.
Site has limited access to services and no mains gas or sewerage. There is a limited rural electricity supply and poor telecommunication connections. Previous residential development proposals here have been refused due to its lack of services and community facilities.

The Enfusion report gives site only a minor negative score on the Prudent Use of Land and Natural Resources, as it's a Greenfield site located outside the main settlements. The report doesn't acknowledge that site includes privately owned residential properties, successful and established business and high value agricultural land. All would be effected affect so this site cannot be considered a prudent land use especially as Compulsory Purchase Order would be necessary creating extra delay and expense.

Site is in a natural valley and clearly visible when approached from the North, East and South. not possible to hide or screen the site from view. This would have negative effect on both natural environment and landscape, and the privacy of potential residents.
The Enfusion report states presence of protected species and the ecological value of the site are unknown. Forestry Commission report of January 2013, on woodland adjacent to the area of search (site survey 42856), reports a badger set, Honey Buzzard nest containing a breeding pair. Bats, owls, sparrow hawks, woodpeckers and a variety of deer were also found. Further, adders, grass snakes, frogs, toads and newts were also found in two ponds included in the survey, located near the search area.

The Enfusion report doesn't reach a conclusion with regard to impact of the proposal on Historic Environment. However, site is located adjacent to a Roman road, therefore potential for archaeological artefacts. This would impact on construction schedule, whilst archaeological works are taking place.

The economic impact, sustainable transport issues, highway safety, ownership issues, environmental impact and presence of local wildlife, site's visible locality, distance to local services and schools, prudent land use and historical environment impact make the site unsuitable.

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