
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 55746

Received: 22/07/2013

Respondent: Martin Collier

Representation Summary:

Object to a travellers/gypsy site anywhere near Harbury.

What do Gypsies give back to the local community? There are illegal encampments on the way to Coventry (Ryton) and a mess is always left on Harbury Lane playing fields when they camped illegally. Villagers are always up in arms for months on end trying to remove them, surely there must be a reason for that?

Full text:

My wife and I have lived in Harbury for 14 years what a lovely village and area.

I object to a travellers/gypsy site anywhere near Harbury !!

Important Points to note:

1. Please tell what do Gypsys give back to the local community ?

2. I have seen what Gypsys can do i.e illegal incampments on the way to Coventry (Ryton) !

3. The mess that was left on playing fields Harbury Lane when they camped illegally on a number of occasions !

4. On the news villagers up in arms for months on end trying to remove them, surely there must be a reason for that or am i missing a point here ?

5. This it not at all racist just facts that have happened !!